Files are uploaded, but I still see your welcome page?
If you have uploaded your files, but are still seeing the welcome page or a "parent directory" page, you did not upload into the correct directory. Please be sure you are uploading into the "public_html" subdirectory of your account. Also you must replace the default index.html or index.php file that comes with your account when you log in for the first time. This index file is a simple welcoming page we put on all new accounts.
Try reloading web page by hitting F5 on keyboard.
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Our free hosting features
Price or any hidden costs? | Free |
Disk space | 10GB |
Bandwidth | 100GB |
Addon domains | Unlimited |
No ads | yes |
Email accounts | 5 |
FTP accounts | 5 |
MySQL database | 5 |
Free Subdomains | 5 |
Parked domain | 5 |
Website builder, cPanel | yes |
FTP, PHP5, cURL & more | yes |